Why Do Groundhogs Dig?

Reasons Groundhogs Dig
The biggest thing people know about groundhogs is that they dig. They are a digging animal, creating holes and tunnels and chambers all across your yard. Whether in your yard or out in the wild, it is what they do. For a homeowner, though, this is troublesome. Their holes can cause damage and create a hazard in your yard. With so much stress coming from the small act of digging, it makes you wonder why they do it. Is there a reason that groundhogs dig? Yes, there is. All groundhogs dig for some good reasons, and it is something all groundhogs will continue to do. It is what they learn to do at a young age and what they will always do.

For Living
The main reason groundhogs create tunnels and chambers is for living. They primarily live underground. Even when they have babies and nest, their nest is underground. It is where they choose to go. For them, this is safety and comfort. It gives them everything they need to do well in the wild. They can remain hidden from predators, they have set locations for everything, and they can live with ease, coming out when they need to find food. It is where groundhogs raise their young. They will have a chamber, slightly higher than the other chambers, specifically for babies. It is where they mate, too. It is part of every stage of groundhogs' lives.

Regular life is not the only reason they burrow and create underground chambers. When they are not out foraging and living, they are hibernating. Groundhogs are a hibernating animal, so they need a place to sleep. For them, that means a specific underground burrow. They will dig a burrow of adequate depth where they will sleep until hibernation is over. Once it is over, they will go back to life.

Natural to Them
Digging is natural to groundhogs. It is a habit and method of survival for them, similar to specific traits other animals have. They evolve to find ways to survive in the wild, and that means digging for groundhogs. It allows them to stay away from the elements and predators, and it gives them a comfortable space to live. It even gives other animals a place to live once the groundhog vacates it. Groundhogs dig for good reasons. It is part of their life and their natural habits, and they will continue to do this for as long as they survive.

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